HARFANG® 3D v3.2.1


Windows 64-bit

Python 3.2 and newer wheelDownload
Lua 5.3 extensionDownload
FBX Converter (Autodesk FBX SDK)Download
GLTF ExporterDownload
GLTF ImporterDownload
assimp ImporterDownload
C++ SDK (requires a C++11 compiler)Download

Windows 32-bit

Python 3.2 and newer wheelDownload
Lua 5.3 extensionDownload
FBX Converter (Autodesk FBX SDK)Download
GLTF ExporterDownload
GLTF ImporterDownload
assimp ImporterDownload
C++ SDK (requires a C++11 compiler)Download

Ubuntu 64-bit

Python 3.2 and newer wheelDownload
Lua 5.3 extensionDownload
FBX Converter (Autodesk FBX SDK)Download
GLTF ExporterDownload
GLTF ImporterDownload
assimp ImporterDownload
C++ SDK (requires a C++11 compiler)Download

Release Notes

This minor release brings both code and submodules maintenance, several fixes in the toolchain, in the scenegraph and physics interchange and in the rendering pipeline.

Source code maintenance

  • Updated GLFW (3.3.6).
  • Updated BGFX to the latest version.
  • Updated OpenAL (v.1.6.10b).
  • Updated OpenVR (v1.16.8).
  • Fixed the debug build with Visual Studio Build Tools 2022.
  • Fixed the installation of PDB files.
  • CMake misc. fixes and updates.


  • FBX Importer: changed the unit of command line argument max smoothing angle to degrees and fixed the internal vertex/tangent computation.
  • GLTF Importer: improved the way non-Windows-compliant filenames are handled.


  • Fixed an issue in the Wavefront OBJ export that flipped the model on the X axis.
  • Improve the error message issued by OpenAssets in case of missing file.
  • Fixed a crash when parsing a corrupted .HPS file.
  • Added hg::Picture::SaveBC7 and hg::Picture::SaveBC6H functions.
  • Switched to a time limit based resource queue processing
  • Return the size on disk of a folder
  • Implemented a ComputeNodeWorldMatrix to compute a node world matrix on the fly (ComputeWorld, GetWorld, SetWorld). ⚠️ This function is slow but useful when scene matrices are not yet up-to-date
  • Improved the way unicode paths are handled on Windows
  • Preliminary support for scene properties animation (AmbientColor, FogNear, FogFar, FogColor) while preserving the legacy file format.
  • Add an LSSF_Silent scene flag, add many boolean flags to silence errors in the rendering IO.
  • Allow 32 bit indices in geometries (In the future we might introduce a force 16 bit indice flag if required).
  • Validate index and vertex buffer handles when creating geometries.
  • Flag instantiated nodes as NF_InstanceDisabled if the host node is disabled.
  • Added file filter descriptions to the file selector dialogs (OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog).


  • Added a depth only pass to render shadow maps (DEPTH_ONLY=1).
  • Set a higher probe resolution by default (from 64 to 512, using the --glossScale 20 --glossBias 0 parameters sent to CMFT).
  • Load/save AAA config (LoadForwardPipelineAAAConfigFromFile, LoadForwardPipelineAAAConfigFromAssets, SaveForwardPipelineAAAConfigToFile)
  • Tweaked the default light values (default_shadow_bias set to 0.0001, pssm_split of a the linear light set to 200m).
  • Switched the jitter sequence to Halton (2,3).
  • Added a function to retrieve the size of the OpenVR framebuffers
  • Added a RGBA32 pixel format to improve the performance when playing a video stream.


  • Fixed an issue in synchronizing state from scene to kinematic body


  • Added an explanation of why using integer representation for time is important.
  • Documented the profiler API.
  • Added a HARFANG logo in the Doxygen documentation


The following screenshots were captured on a GTX 1080 in 1080P running at 60FPS, GI is performed using screen space raytracing and does not require RTX capable hardware.

Cyberpunk City

Cyberpunk City SSGI/SSR on a GTX 1080

Cyberpunk City SSGI/SSR on a GTX 1080

Sun Temple

Sun Temple SSGI/SSR on a GTX 1080

Sun Temple SSGI/SSR on a GTX 1080

Cafe Exterior

Cafe Exterior SSGI/SSR on a GTX 1080

Cafe Exterior SSGI/SSR on a GTX 1080

Sponza Atrium

Sponza Atrium SSGI/SSR on a GTX 1080

Sponza Atrium SSGI/SSR on a GTX 1080