HARFANG® 3D v0.9.9
Windows 32-bit#
Windows 64-bit#
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS#
OSX 10.6#
Release Notes#
API Changes#
- Rename DrawBox as DrawMinMax.
New features#
- New system to allow parallel execution of arbitrary Lua chunk from any supported language.
- Add support for Lua chunk compilation and execution (LuaVM.Compile and LuaVM.Call).
- Implement LuaVM multiple return values support.
- New Plus.CreateGeometryFromHeightmap and Plus. AddGeometryFromHeightmap functions.
- New API to retrieve system monitors rect.
- Add support for fullscreen monitor selection in GpuRenderer.
- Add support for shader array declaration.
- Add support for %include directive in shaders.
- A material can now override its surface shader texture unit configuration.
- Add cull mode support to the SimpleGraphicEngine.
- Split SimpleGraphicEngine.Flush into separate Draw and Clear methods.
- New asynchronous IsoSurface to render geometry conversion function.
- Various code improvements to simplify direct drawing of geometries using custom shader.
- Add support for geometry instance detection in the FBX importer. This feature is enabled by using the
flag. - Add finalizer script support to the FBX converter. The finalizer script can inspect and modify resources before they are written to disk.
- Add a Scene.GetMinMax method.
- Support for FastNoise, a C++ library for efficient 1D to 4D noise generation.
- Support for OpenVR controllers.
- New RewriterFileDriver driver.
- New FileDriver.FileToString method.
- Detect and warn of incorrect thread usage with Renderer and RenderSystem.
- Improve iso surface to geometry normal continuity between adjacent iso fields.
- Many documentation improvements.
- Documentation tutorials are now directly linked from the gs-tutorials repository content.
- Core resources are now embeded into the Harfang binary.
- Provide access to geometry LOD & shadow proxy geometries.
- Allow loading render material and geometry from a string (JSON/XML document).
- Improve the GPU buffer API to prevent the pitfall of creating a 0 byte buffer.
- Warn on failing UpdateBuffer call.
- New Plus.IsAppEnded method to test if the application has ended.
- New Transform.TransformLocalPoint method.
- Implement octree, light and renderable systems debug visuals.
- Add new core shaders for the FBX importer.
- Script.Set now automatically calls OnParameterChange when modifying a script parameter.
- Bind ImGui PushStyleColor, PopStyleColor, PushStyleVar and PushID.
- Bind Renderer::SetShaderMatrix44.
- Implement RGBAF to RGBA8 Picture conversion.
- Add FPSController accessors for speed and turbo parameters.
Bug fixes#
- Improve anisotropic filtering.
- Improve log code to prevent multiple thread output mangling.
- Fix several issues with ZipFileDriver to make it less strict on which file path to accept.
- Fix iso surface to render geometry display list minmax not being properly initialized.
- Fix clip distance being incorrectly applied to linear lights.
- Fix a crash sequence during Uninit.
- Fix core skybox shader for VR.
- Fix IJG codec allocating more memory than required.
- Fix a rare crash with RenderScript when disabling a newly added node before it is commited into a scene.
- Fix out of bound scene picking requests crash.
- Fix a crash with renderer resources deletion.
- Fix loading uncompressed DDS textures.
- Prevent Plus from crashing on AddPhysic family of functions when no physic system is found.
- Prevent crashing the engine when rendering a display list with no material.
- Fix a rare race condition in log tail.
- Update to OpenVR SDK 1.0.2.
- CPython 3.5 is now the development version of Python.
- Add a debug output to track excessive raster font glyph generation.
- Fix basic loop Lua tutorial.
- New gs::string::slice method.