Importing from Assimp

The Assimp converter is a command-line tool to convert an Assimp file to Harfang resources. This tool supports converting scene graph, geometries, materials and animations.


assimp_convert <input> [-out PATH] [-test-import] [-base-resource-path PATH]
            [-prefix PATH] [-profile PROFILE] [-shader PATH]
            [-material-policy POLICY] [-geometry-policy POLICY] [-texture-policy POLICY] [-scene-policy POLICY]
            [-scene-scale FLOAT] [-max_smoothing_angle FLOAT]
			[-calculate-normal-if-missing] [-calculate-tangent-if-missing]
            [-recalculate-normal] [-recalculate-tangent]
            [-quiet] [-help]
-out-oOutput directory for the converted resource files.
-base-resource-pathTransform references to assets in this directory to be relative.
-prefixSpecify the file system prefix from which relative assets are to be loaded from.
-profile-pMaterial profile (default or pbr_default).
-shader-sOverride the shader used by exported materials.
-all-policyAll file type import policy.
-material-policyMaterial file import policy.
-geometry-policyGeometry file import policy.
-texture-policyTexture file import policy.
-scene-policyScene file import policy.
-scene-scaleFactor used to scale the scene.
-max_smoothing_angleMaximum smoothing angle between two faces when computing vertex normals.
-calculate-normal-if-missingCompute missing vertex normals.
-calculate-tangent-if-missingCompute missing vertex tangents.
-recalculate-normalRecreate the vertex normals of exported geometries.
-recalculate-tangentRecreate the vertex tangent frames of exported geometries.
-anim-simplify-translation-toleranceTolerance on translation animations.
-anim-simplify-rotation-toleranceTolerance on rotation animations.
-anim-simplify-scale-toleranceTolerance on scale animations.

-quiet | -q | Quiet output. -help | -h | Display help message.

The following policies are available: skip, overwrite, rename and skip_always. The default policy is skip.

Return code

The executable returns 1 if no error occurred, 0 otherwise.

To notify the caller about the conversion result the converter sends special markers to the standard output:

  • [TestImport: OK] if the import test went well.
  • [TestImport: KO] if the import test failed.
  • [ImportScene: OK] if the import succeeded.
  • [ImportScene: KO] if the import failed.


Import scene.obj to ./export, overwrite existing geometry, skip everything else if it exists:

assimp_convert scene.obj -o export -texture-policy overwrite

Import scene.obj to ./export, only import scene, skip everything else:

assimp_convert scene.obj -o export -material-policy skip_always -geometry-policy skip_always -texture-policy skip_always

A word on scale

When working with assets from different sources it is not uncommon to encounter considerable scale differences for similar objects. To compensate for this the importer can adjust both the scene scale and the geometry scale. As a rule of thumb, even if the imported scene looks on scale, you should make sure that the geometry itself uses a correct scale.

Failing to do so will pose many problems for example when sharing animations between models.